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"Perhaps some of you might say:- Epic Love can't happen to me!: But when true love enters your life, EPIC HAPPENS!"

luni, 23 mai 2011

True Love

Think about true love... Think about meeting someone and suddenly like never before it feels like home. Suddenly that person lives inside your every thought. And not far from there you feel like beeing around her as much as possible because ...Well...why do you feel that way?
Does true love really starts with "I like you!" or does it start with " I love you! Since the very first moment I saw you my heart knew you are the one who can make her a whole. I just knew you are THE ONE!"?
Physical attraction is important in every relationship... but it means nothing if the two lovers never connect on a psychical level. True love is beyond physical attraction. True love is the attraction of the soul, the heart and the mind. True love is speaking with the loved one without saying words at all. All you need is to look at each other and you can read everything words could never express. It's about feeling each other no matter the distance between you and her and yet you know everything she is feeling.
True love is all about: Connecting!
We don't leave behind physical attraction...But don't you think that the intensity of the moment grows up, becoming more and more pleasant when you connect through every way possible? When you connect with the other on every level, it's hard not to feel overwhelmed by emotions, not to say extremely patient and careful to make sure she is really....satisfied.
When true love came your way, you invest all your kindness, your time and interest to make the other happy. It's like you don't even exist unless she exists. Like you can never be happy if you know she is not happy and you would move earth to make sure she is happy. So now you know she is your no. 1 priority and the best part is that you don't find that selfish. You love knowing she is happy because you make her happy. It makes you feel wanted and needed. It makes you feel God to one persons heart. And you really are!

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