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"Perhaps some of you might say:- Epic Love can't happen to me!: But when true love enters your life, EPIC HAPPENS!"

luni, 23 mai 2011

Elena Undone - Soulemetry - Does it really exist?

Fate brings two diversely different women together, and sets them on a collision course that will shatter their preconceived notions about love, life and the power of one's soul.


Nicole Conn   


Nicole Conn


 Necar ZadeganTraci Dinwiddie and Gary Weeks

Here is a movie that really impressed me. Talking about "Soulemetry", about Soulmates, watching two wonderful and very talented actresses portraying two beautiful characters as Elena and Payton can really bring your hopes up, if somehow you've lost your faith in True Love.
According to this movie, Soulmates exists and even better, there is something called "Soulemetry" that takes care to bring two people, gay or straight, together as one, in a perfect harmony of love and fulfillment.
If "Soulemetry" really exists, I don't really know, but I do know that on screen this two wonderful characters do look like they are meant to be in "Each other's lifes".
If you haven't seen it yet, then i recommend it. If you have seen it, and as well you have been a fan of Otalia back in 2009 than this story will probably remind you allot of "Otalia". The powerful character of Payton relates allot to Olivia Spencer. The difference would be that Payton has been gay all her life and Olivia just figured out that she likes at least one woman, when she met Natalia. As well Payton and Olivia look alike allot. Those captivating eyes, the "strong yet very sensitive" person. The "strong personality" female.
On the other side, we see a very strong connected with God and Faith woman, Elena who's allot alike Natalia....with some small differences of course. Elena's husband is a Pastor that ironicly to her new "soulmate format" predicts against Homosexual relationships.  Natalia Rivera has lived all her life believing  that "homosexuality" is a sin...and her beliefs are contradicted when she falls in love with a woman.
This are just small assimilations between this two amazing love stories which in case you haven't seen any of it, I recommend them both.

Yours trully 

P.S. Here is the trailer for the movie Elena Undone

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