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"Perhaps some of you might say:- Epic Love can't happen to me!: But when true love enters your life, EPIC HAPPENS!"

joi, 9 iunie 2011

Filme cu tematica L.

Spre surprinderea mea, placuta bineinteles, in ultimi ani am avut placerea sa descopar ca au fost produse tot mai multe filme bune cu tematica Les. Unele exemple ar fi, "I can't think straight", "The world unseen" si/sau "Elena Undone".
Trei filme care seamana destul de bine cu acele productii Hollywoodiene care tot ne incanta placerea sa le vizionam.
Bineinteles ca cinematografia ce se bazeaza pe producerea filmelor cu tematica les, inca are multe lipsuri insa putin cate putin pare sa avansam spre mai bine. Oare devine lumea mai toleranta fata de comunitate sau este pur si simplu o chestie "cool" si "la moda" sa fi les si din pricina aceasta azi putem si noi viziona filme in care lesbiana nu trebuie sa joace iar rolul de "om bolnav de obsesie", sau "lesbiana depresiva care sfarseste murind" ori "lesbiana care are o aventura cu o tipa maritata si sfarseste cu inima franta". Toate aceste finaluri, erau candva "acceptate", pana si de scriitorii de script-uri. Era "normal" si pesemne des inspirat din viata reala, ca lesbiana sa fie intotdeauna cea care in final iesea invinsa din lupta cu dragostea. Cu timpul am ajuns sa ne castigam mai mult libertatea de a iubii. Poate nu legal si nici moral prea mult insa pe plan personal, am reusit sa nu mai alegem sa ne ascundem, ci pur si simplu sa ne aratam asa cum suntem, fara teama sau trecand peste teama. Asta poate a adus si la sesizarea faptului ca daca, candva, in anii trecuti, ne puteam identifica in povestea unui personaj din filmele drama cu tematica les, azi tot mai rar reusim sa ne identificam si atunci dorim ceva nou, ceva care sa se armonieze cu realitatea in care traim. Si uite asa au aparut putin cate putin, filme cu tematica les, insa cu mai putina drama sau pur si simplu personaje care ajung in final eroine, prin simplul fapt ca aleg sa-si faca "coming out"-ul si sa traiasca fericite fara a le pasa prea mult de consecinte.
Filme in care "happy end" se intalneste tot mai des, spre bucuria noastra, aratandu-ne ca SE POATE!

Si totusi nu este totul roz. In televiziunile din Statele Unite, cenzura fata de orice forma de intimitate sau gest de afectiune intre doua persoane de acelasi sex, se practica.
Luati ca exemplu, telenovela americana "Guiding Light" care a intampinat in anul 2009, mari probleme cu aprobarea oricarei forme de afectivitate intre 2 persoane de acelasi sex. Serialul, gen "Tanar si nelinistit", era o telenovela (a luat sfarsit in luna Septembrie 2009 dupa 72 de ani de difuzare) difuzata la ora de varf. Adica difuzata la o ora in care copii inca se puteau uita la televizor si asa riscau sa priveasca un cuplu format din 2 femei sarutandu-se. Procter and Gamble a fost sponsorul oficial al acestui serial. In urma unor plangeri facute de catre fanii serialului insa care pledau impotriva homosexualitatii, compania Procter and Gamble a ales sa faca pe plac consumatorilor si deasemenea fanilor homofobi, interzicand orice forma de afectivitate intre cele 2 femei.
Desi povestea de dragoste dintre cele  femei capatase cea mai mare baza de fani, depasind astfel numarul de 6000 de fani adunati la un loc pe un forum dedicat acestui cuplu si deasemenea fiind nominalizata la categoria "Cel mai bun cuplu a anului 2009" in cadrul Emmy Awards, compania P&G a ales sa cenzureze, dezamagind astfel toti consumatorii lor de alta orientare sexuala.
Au fost create petitii, au fost trimise scrisori din intreaga lume, inclusiv de catre mine catre canalul de televiziune american CBS si catre compania P&G, cu rugamintea de a juca cinstit si de a ridica cenzura pusa pe nedrept fata de un cuplu de acelasi sex. Toate telefoanele data, scrisorile, protestele facute in fata sediului P&G si CBS, au fost in zadar.
Au fost trimise scrisori catre P&G si CBS ce contineau povestile celor ce prin intermediul forumului Otaliafans si-au intalnit jumatatea sau si-au putut face prieteni pentru o viata intreaga.
Am avut prilejul sa fac parte din aceasta comunitate de la bun inceput, vazand cum creste si cum influenteaza in mod pozitiv, miile de oameni adunati pe acest forum.
Otalia este un nume formal din alte 2 nume: Olivia si Natalia. Povestea are loc intr-un mic orasel numit Sprinfield. Este povestea a doua prietene, care ajung sa locuiasca impreuna fara a avea la inceput idee ca sunt menite sa se indragosteasca una de cealalta. Pe langa fascinanta poveste de iubire care iti va da multe lectii despre ce inseamna dragostea lipsita de egoism iti va arata si cum aceste 2 femei incearca cu toata puterea si tot devotamentul sa creasca o fetita in varsta de numai 7 ani (Emma, fiica Oliviei).

luni, 23 mai 2011

True Love

Think about true love... Think about meeting someone and suddenly like never before it feels like home. Suddenly that person lives inside your every thought. And not far from there you feel like beeing around her as much as possible because ...Well...why do you feel that way?
Does true love really starts with "I like you!" or does it start with " I love you! Since the very first moment I saw you my heart knew you are the one who can make her a whole. I just knew you are THE ONE!"?
Physical attraction is important in every relationship... but it means nothing if the two lovers never connect on a psychical level. True love is beyond physical attraction. True love is the attraction of the soul, the heart and the mind. True love is speaking with the loved one without saying words at all. All you need is to look at each other and you can read everything words could never express. It's about feeling each other no matter the distance between you and her and yet you know everything she is feeling.
True love is all about: Connecting!
We don't leave behind physical attraction...But don't you think that the intensity of the moment grows up, becoming more and more pleasant when you connect through every way possible? When you connect with the other on every level, it's hard not to feel overwhelmed by emotions, not to say extremely patient and careful to make sure she is really....satisfied.
When true love came your way, you invest all your kindness, your time and interest to make the other happy. It's like you don't even exist unless she exists. Like you can never be happy if you know she is not happy and you would move earth to make sure she is happy. So now you know she is your no. 1 priority and the best part is that you don't find that selfish. You love knowing she is happy because you make her happy. It makes you feel wanted and needed. It makes you feel God to one persons heart. And you really are!

Elena Undone - Soulemetry - Does it really exist?

Fate brings two diversely different women together, and sets them on a collision course that will shatter their preconceived notions about love, life and the power of one's soul.


Nicole Conn   


Nicole Conn


 Necar ZadeganTraci Dinwiddie and Gary Weeks

Here is a movie that really impressed me. Talking about "Soulemetry", about Soulmates, watching two wonderful and very talented actresses portraying two beautiful characters as Elena and Payton can really bring your hopes up, if somehow you've lost your faith in True Love.
According to this movie, Soulmates exists and even better, there is something called "Soulemetry" that takes care to bring two people, gay or straight, together as one, in a perfect harmony of love and fulfillment.
If "Soulemetry" really exists, I don't really know, but I do know that on screen this two wonderful characters do look like they are meant to be in "Each other's lifes".
If you haven't seen it yet, then i recommend it. If you have seen it, and as well you have been a fan of Otalia back in 2009 than this story will probably remind you allot of "Otalia". The powerful character of Payton relates allot to Olivia Spencer. The difference would be that Payton has been gay all her life and Olivia just figured out that she likes at least one woman, when she met Natalia. As well Payton and Olivia look alike allot. Those captivating eyes, the "strong yet very sensitive" person. The "strong personality" female.
On the other side, we see a very strong connected with God and Faith woman, Elena who's allot alike Natalia....with some small differences of course. Elena's husband is a Pastor that ironicly to her new "soulmate format" predicts against Homosexual relationships.  Natalia Rivera has lived all her life believing  that "homosexuality" is a sin...and her beliefs are contradicted when she falls in love with a woman.
This are just small assimilations between this two amazing love stories which in case you haven't seen any of it, I recommend them both.

Yours trully 

P.S. Here is the trailer for the movie Elena Undone